5ème Film Review Project
Our 5ème students have just completed and are now presenting their Film Reviews to their classmates.
Previously in class they had learned vocabulary, grammar and structures to describe film genres, characters as well as expressing a personal opinion and making recommendations.
One of the great benefits of using film and in this case film reviews is that all students engage and have the confidence to talk about their favourite film. Apart from providing students with a break from normal classroom activities, it gives them an opportunity to work on additional learning styles. In this case they present their review individually or in pairs to the whole class with the aid of a powerpoint, this in turn helps to build both confidence and their English speaking skills.
The reviews presented by our students covered a wide range of genres and they enjoyed sharing their ideas and opinions with their peers. From the very outset, the vast majority of our students engaged with the project following a specific set of guidelines, many came up with some wonderful presentations which far exceeded our expectations.
The final projects show very clearly that the Project Based Learning is both rewarding and provides our students with a great sense of accomplishment on completing the project.