Cambridge English Award Ceremony November 22
On the 9th November we had the pleasure to host Ms Aguilar, the Relationships Coordinator from the British Council Barcelona, who handed over the Cambridge certificates of English level from Starters to Advanced ( pre A1-level to C1 Level) to our students who had taken them last June.
They were really excited about the event as we hadn’t been able to carry out the ceremony at the theatre since the pandemic due to restrictions.
To the question: why taking Movers, KET or PET? Our main objective is to engage and motivate students to consolidate their English language acquisition and to prepare them how to cope with exam situations. Experiencing a real exam helps them to grow and prepares them for their future academic challenges such as IB or Bachibac oral and written exams as their learning focuses on real-life communication skills.
As for parents, please remember, each individual requires their own time to become mature and succeed in learning languages. It is not seen as a race, it is a real marathon.
We want to state that our student’s success is due to their effort, motivation and hard work. The English department feels really proud of you!
The English Department