Project Based Learning in History and Geography
History and Geography in English.
Our students in 4ème have completed their project on Napoleon and without doubt the quality of their work far exceeded expectations.
Our students were asked to prepare an illustrated timeline outlining the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. They were asked to include the following aspects;
- His birth…
- His education/military career…
- Key events in The French Revolution…
- The Napoleonic Wars…
- His exile and the restoration of the monarchy…
From the very outset, the vast majority of our students engaged with the project and although they had been given a series of guidelines, many came up with some fantastic ideas. The final projects show very clearly that the experience was very rewarding as well as the sense of accomplishment on completing the project.
Such projects also help students remember lessons way beyond a final exam if not for life as they gain a deeper understanding of the concepts. It also provides students with the skills to control their own learning and fuels the imagination of both students and teachers.
Mr Troy.