1º Bachibac learning to debate
Debate helps build the ‘Four Cs’ of 21st-century skills that a person can leverage to succeed in life. These four core ones are critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
Classroom debates can nurture rational thinking, citizenship, manners, organization of thoughts, persuasion, and public speaking. That is why we have been learning to build arguments and hold debates in our class during this term.
Such competitions serve to mold a student’s opinion and views about different subjects from different perspectives, making them successful and professionally equipped to face the world outside.
Our students’ feedback:
Martina Picón from 1º C says: ”We have learnt two understand that an argument can be dealt with by different approaches, so we can anticipate how to rebate our opponent. It is a good way to put into practice our language skills, broadening our knowledge on different fields such as technology, the environment, etc.
Jordi Ragon: “I have learnt that teamwork skills are essential in this type of activity as we have to complement not only when writing the argument but also when expressing ourselves in the debate.”