1º IB

CIS International University Fair Barcelona

Studying abroad! Where, What and How? Today a group of IB and Bachibac students attended the CIS International University Fair as part of our Counseling programme.

Bon Soleil TOK exhibition June 2024

Theory of Knowledge is a core component of the IB Diploma Programme that teaches students to learn the process through which knowledge is derived. Through TOK, students can question what they learn and what they claim to know. The course is based on 12 key concepts.

Ponencia en Marketing Digital

Ayer, Laura Rosillo, Orientadora y ponente de ASENCAT, ofreció una conferencia en 1°IB (Gestión Empresarial).

1ºIB in Poland

This year students from Bon Soleil IB DP1 have had the great opportunity to start a CAS project in collaboration with the students from Gaudium et Studium Private High School in Poznan, Poland.

Ponències ASENCAT

Aquest mes d’octubre els alumnes de 1r IB i 1r Bachibac han començat les ponències impartides per Asencat relacionades amb la matèria de Business Management.

Biologie de 1º IB
