Discovering Europe part 2

20/06/2024 · [Non classifié(e)]

This year students from Bon Soleil IB DP1 have had the great opportunity to start a CAS project in collaboration with the students from Gaudium et Studium Private High School in Poznan, Poland.

Aim of the exchange:

Building Cultural Bridges through the development of activities that
foster mutual understanding and appreciation of cultural differences.

The aim of the project is to to develop Creative, Action and Service (CAS) projects on cultural exchange, promoting cultural understanding between the two regions, as well as the culinary traditions of Spain and Poland.

During their stay in Barcelona we visited the most prominent landmarks of our Catalan Art Nouveau such as Parc Güell, la pedrera, casa Batlló and Sagrada familia.
We had a day trip to Sitges to admire Palau Maricel and its history and enjoy a sunny day at the beach playing some sports.

The last day we had to finish the written CAS project at the school, had a barbecue to farewell the group and challenged them with water sports at the Canal Olimpic to spend the last afternoon together.
After this experience, we have created strong bonds of friendship with this group which will remain in our memories forever.