5ème Role Model Project
Who did you admire when you were a teenager? Who are the top references teens admire nowadays? These last weeks some of the 5ème classes have worked on a Role Model Project in which they had to choose 3 role models they identified with and highlight their character qualities to later present them in class.
Among the most popular were Millie Bobby Brown, Dua Lipa, Messi, Djokovik, Ronaldo, Elon Musk, Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift, Kevin Hart, Michael Jordan and some fathers, aunts and sisters… The character qualities they most highlighted were brave, determined, kind and funny. Let’s remember we are raising a generation of individuals who will impact their world and be a role model for them of these qualities they admire.
Be brave
Be determined
Be kind
Laugh, Smile and Be joyful
-Sheila Sanjaime Weir-